Thursday, April 3, 2008

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar???

A quick update since we are very behind on updating this blog...we're alive and well!!! Lydia is 7 months old and loving life. She is learning so many new things and even trying new foods. She loves bananas! She is getting to be more and more demanding of our attention and she is DEFINITELY a daddy's girl! She and her daddy have lots of funny without me when I'm away at work --not getting much house work done, but I can't complain! They're having fun and Gary is amazing with her and still manages to get his work-work done--even if it means being up til midnight sometimes. I'm just working part time in a model home so I'm only gone about three days a week--so far it's working out but keeping us very busy, hence the lack of blog updates. We are looking forward to a little break at the end of May, when we're going to Lake Mead with The Cannon's -- which brings me to the topic of the girl scout cookies...I'm going to have to work my tail off to get rid of the evidence tat I have consumed THREE boxes of the dang thing over the last two weeks...Does anyone else love Samoas as much as I do???HELP!!!


Annie said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! I've missed you! I can totally relate to the Daddy's girl. Daddy's are just fun! Avie was SUCH a Daddy's girl and I thought she'd never like me - but now she's pretty even and sometimes even prefers me to Brian which I would have never thought would happen. (The only bummer is that she always prefers me if she wakes up in middle of the night . . . that's when I loved her being a Daddy's girl!)

Ben and Natalie said...

I love love love samoas! I ordered 4 boxes which my husband just destroyed so I had to order more. I should not have done that! :)

Diana & CJ said...

You're so funny Annie. I love Samoa’s too. I'm sure you will be fine, you already look so good. Did you even really have a kid?

I think we all knew Gary was going to just adore Lydia. I mean look at what he's like with his was a given.

Anonymous said...

I love the girl scout cookies too. But I am a thin mint fan. I am sorry things are so crazy right now, but it is because of these times that we are able to appreciate and enjoy life more. I am jealous of the Lake Mead trip. I am ready for some water skiing and to just get out of town.