Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Love that Fall!

This weekend was such a nice prelude to fall. This has to be my favorite season of the year. The bad part is it doesn't last long enough! But we'll do our best to make the most of the next few weeks of cool, crisp mornings, warm days, blue skies and beautiful landscapes!

We started the weekend with a much needed winter prep of the yard! With the help of mom and her green thumb, we were able to get rid of some of dying flowers and overgrown shrubs. Friday night we celebrated the twins fifth birthday with cake and ice cream at the Johnson's. These two are the sweetest little things...I just love them! We had Jim and Janice in town all weekend which was a lot of fun. We even got to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with The Millers. (Thanks for the invite, Millers...we loved it!!!) Sunday was a great day! We were able to attend the afternoon session of conference with Jim, Janice, Aunt Shirley, and mom! Here are some pics of Lydia, Ava and Ash at their birthday party!


Carlye Momma said...

Cute pictures honey! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year too!!! :-) I'm glad you had such a nice weekend!

Sarah and Trent said...

Ahhh I SO miss the fall. It's 100 degrees here today in AZ. :( And there are no pretty leaves. I can't wait to visit Utah again and see the canyon on the way up to USU!

Abbie&Trevor said...

I wish that I could have made it to Canadian thanksgiving. I heard it was a lot of fun. I miss seeing everyone, we all seem to get so busy with life. We should plan a big date night with everyone.

jessi said...

I hear that Utah's fall this year has been particularly cut short, going from hot to snow in no time at all. Enjoy and at least get those pictures of Lydi sitting in a pumpkin patch!

Diana & CJ said...

Annie, how did your pictures w/ Sara go? I can't wait to see Lydia on her sneak peek on her blog. You will have to let me know when they are posted. I know they will be awesome!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Annie, Lydia is so cute! She is getting so big. We miss having you in the ward, I'm sure our two girls would have been friends.