Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Face Book for Old People

I was talking to my 19 year old cousin tonight. My sister and I were telling her about our blogs. She turned to her older sister (25) and said, "ya, you should do a blog, it's like face book for older people." She went on to say "My Space is for high schoolers, Face book is for her age, and Blogs are for old people." So, it's official! We're old people. Just thought you should know!


April said...

I have had a few occasions where I have realized I am old! I teach the 10-11 year old girls in Primary and they never know what I'm talking about. It is a sad isn't it! :)

Jesi said...

Old, yet Cool!

Sarah and Trent said...

YAHHH Annie, everyone is always asking me why I'm not on myspace. (the younger folks that work with me) haha!! I tell them that's for the single people and blogs are for married people. So funny!!
Lydia is GORGEOUS~ wow. And her little Halloween shirt is so cute. It was so fun to see the updates.
By the way, I love the background! I want to figure out how to do one of those.