Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Form or Function?

I was really trying hard to keep Lydia's nursery looking like the Pottery Barn Catalogue, but reality has set in...We got her the cutest little mobile. It has fish and sea weed and it sings and does a light show on the ceiling. It doesn't match the rest of her room and you won't see it in the Pottery Barn Catalogue, but she LOVES much so that she sits and looks at it for about 10 minutes after waking up from her naps which buys me time to do important things like...blogging?!?!?


Annie said...

Blogging IS important. I keep telling myself that to justify the time I try to find to do it! :) Love the mobile and totally relate to making concessions to the "pottery barn" room. It's all about survival and keeping the kids happy! By the way, I'd love to have you stop by tomorrow. I'm feeling great and would love a visitor! Come by anytime!

Diana & CJ said...

I saw that very mobile at PB this weekend. I thought it was so cool. I think it goes great with her room. Good picking.

Dede said...

Lydia is a doll! So is her mommy :)

April said...

She is so adorable! She just makes me antsy for the next couple of months to fly by. You are amazing for being able to be surrounded by that much snow. I am so afraid of it- I make Zac drive me around in storms! :)

Carlye Momma said...

I totally know what you mean! I have the same problem with the mobile. His whole bedroom is so stinking cute...and the mobile doesn't match but it's awesome! (Not to mention my daddy gave it to us.)

ATWOOD said...

It's so true...the cute nursery only lasts until the baby starts sleeping there ;-) Ethan's nursery now has toys, blankets, rockers, swings and anything else you can think of...but I have a happy baby, and that's what is important.
Lydia is SOOO cute we need to get together for a play date.

Anonymous said...

I love the pottery barn. However you should know that you have such a great talent for decorating it would not matter what you bought or where you bought it you have an eye for design.