Saturday, July 12, 2008

Big Day for Lydi Bugs!

Yesterday (at just over 10 months) Lydi had her nine month check-up...

We saw a new doctor (since we've moved) she was great and very willing to spend a lot for time with us! What we found out...

-Lydia is on track developmentally even though she shows no sign of crawling or walking. She just needs to be on the floor little more often.
-She is OK to eat almost anything besides just a handful of foods (yay!)
-She doesn't need the 3am feeding she's been getting for that last two months (however, she'll probably still get it since her dad and I can't bear to let her cry for two minutes--we'll see!)
-Her head is Gi-normous! the doctor was going to send the nurse in to go over the growth chart with me, but a couple minutes later she scurried back in the room and said "has she always had a big head?" "Oh ya," I said, "she gets that from me!" The thing is so far off the charts it was almost off the paper! Hopefully hers will be filled with more brain matter than air like mine!
-She is 97% in height
-She is 75% in weight
-She is 30" now and needs to move on from her carrier to her bigger seat--she was starting to look funny with her feet hanging over that thing!
-She had to get one shot to make up for one she missed at 6 mo. It was devastating to me and her --as usual!

On a side note, she also had her first swimming lesson yesterday. Aunt Kris taught me a little trick of blowing in her face and then dunking her in the pool to teach her to hold her breath under water. I was too scared, so she did it for me. Lydia whaled for a couple minutes afterward, but she didn't swallow any water. It sounds mean, but I am up for anything... I don't want her to be afraid of the water like I was until age 21!!!

Needless to say, it was a big day for her. We finished it off with dinner at Cafe Rio (just the two for us :D) and a trip to see Grandpa in the hospital. She certainly was loud and he was finally getting some rest so we decided to head home!


Annie said...

I'm so glad someone else has a baby in the 95th and 75th percentiles. That's just how we grow them in our house and it seems like all the kids around us are bitty and mine are giants. But they sure are cute. Good luck with skipping the 3am feeding . . . that's rough. And, with the transition out of the carrier. Makes for a whole new life, I think. One aside: I never knew you were afraid of water??

p.s.I love that you and Lydi went to Cafe Rio for dinner together. So cute.

April said...

Your head was never filled with more air than brains! :) I love that she is getting so big and cute! Is it your dad that is in the hospital? Is everything ok?

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Annie, thanks for your comment on our blog! We miss seeing you guys at church. I can't believe how fast Lydia is growing. Maren seems to have hit a growth spurt, at 9 months she only weighed 17 lbs, she was in the 25th for her weight and the 50th for her height. She is so much fun. Don't you just love them at this age??

Sarah and Trent said...

She's so beautiful! I love those eyes in that next picture. I've been reading about the baby-swim program here in AZ! There are so many drownings in the summer. They teach babies to flip over and float-- I saw it on the news too and it was amazing how they do it!

Carlye Momma said...

Sounds like quite the adventure! Give your daddy big hugs from us! We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am glad that she is so healthy and on track. She is a darling little girl. We love her so much, even though she won't let me hold her. I would make Gary do all 3 am feedings. If you want my advice.