Thursday, September 25, 2008

My "No, No" is ringing...

We have a new universal name for some of our favorite household items...

Lydi is really starting to talk and repeat things we say. These items are no-no's and to her they're literally no-no's. Other words in her vocabulary:

Mama, Dada, Uh-oh, Daw (dog), tsss (what's that)


Annie said...

I love that! Cute little Lydi! Can we get together sometime soon? I failed our last one and would love to see you!

Sarah and Trent said...

Ahhhh she is just growing up! I can't believe what a little person Lydia is already. My friend was telling me the other night that her little one has mastered "I don't want to!!!" at the top of her lungs. She says she wonders why they teach her to talk. :)