Sunday, November 2, 2008

One Down...

This Halloween was a mix of emotions for me. It was hard because I remember last year's Halloween so vividly and this year was different in so many ways! Last year Lydi was two months old. I wasn't working at all at the time and I spent the entire day with my dad preparing for the big Halloween party. I made my mom's famous sloppy joes and got the house ready as I tended to my dad and Lydia. It was a nice day with him and the baby. I don't think he felt very good. It seems like he stayed in bed most of the day as he slept off and on and suffered through the smell of the dinner as it simmered on the stove. (He hated the smell (and taste) of bell peppers).

We miss him so much, but as mom says, "we made it" through our first big holiday without him. There will be many more, I'm sure, and we'll make it through those as well. It will never be the same but we'll continue to create memeories as he would want us to.

This year we changed up the "sloppy joe" tradition a litte bit. Mom made her awesome clam chowder and taco soup and I made rolls that looked like pumpkins.

We had a a great time with everyone and we especially enjoyed the warm weather as we made our way trick-or-treating around Walden Hills.

Lydi was the sweetest Little cowgirl you ever saw!


Annie said...

Oh, Annie. I'm glad you have one big holiday down. I can only imagine how nostalgic and tender that must have been. Funny how holidays seem like they're all about the decorations, food, activities, etc, but when it comes down to it, it's really just all about being with the people we love and the memories with them.

Lydia is a darling little cowgirl and you are beautiful. Let's get together soon.

Love you.

Carlye Momma said...

I'm not quite sure what more to say other than we miss Colin SO much! I'm so glad you guys had a great time and created more memories. You know he's there too...enjoying every second of it!

We love you and your sweet family so much! CUTE costumes! Your baby is so sweet!

Leslie Jean said...

anz... lydia is darling... and your post is touching. your good dad. i hope so much as the other holidays approach you have some sweet moments of feeling him near and i'm sorry you have to also feel the emptiness that must come at some level of not having him with you. you are and forever will be my favorite! let's go to lunch or something soon...