Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, I have been less than great with the camera lately, but I thought I better take a minute here in my online journal to remember the good times we've been having. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed and sometimes, in all of our trials, we forget just how much fun we are having! Some highlights of our fun and oh so long weekend include:

-A great time with the Mower family on New Year's Eve. We had a blast playing Rock Band and enjoying great company. Lydia was a trooper she made some new buddies and burnt the midnight oil with us!
-An awesome showing by the Utes and some great entertainment watching them prove the world wrong! We enjoyed the game with our good friends, The Gouldings, and their darling girls!
-A few good workouts at the gym with my bff. I hope this is a precursor to what's to come in 2009!
-Our first Markham Family New Year's Day brunch. Thanks, Aunt Pat, for all your hard work on this one!
-Picture Day. Our annual picture with the Taylor Cousins fell on New Year's Day this year and it turned out to be a nice day with Grandma and the Cousins.

Sorry, to my two readers, for the lack of pictures! How BORING!


Deidre said...

Sounds like you guys had a great X-mas and New Years. Can't believe how big Lydia is getting. Her pictures are darling. We miss you guys!

Annie said...

Sounds like some fun - even without pictures. Miss you . . . and Sundie. Can I come be the third wheel to an outing soon? I wonder when our comments are going to stop being "let's get together" and more about re-capping the fun together! :) xoxo

Carlye Momma said...

lol! I'm pretty sure that you have more than 2 readers! Can't wait to see the family pix! I'm so glad to see you've had a good time lately. You and your family have been weighing heavily on my mind throughout this holiday season. I hope they were peaceful for you! Love you honey!

April said...

Of course you have more than two readers! I'm sorry about the camera problems...that game was AWESOME on Friday! Can't wait for that camera situation to improve. :)

Abbie&Trevor said...

It was great to see you a few weeks ago. Hopefully we can try an get together a little more often. Sounds like the Holidays were filled with lots of fun events.