Sunday, August 30, 2009

Super Saturday

We had an eventful Saturday beginning with our much anticipated "try"athlon. It was a lotof fun and we were all pleased with our times...except maybe Sundie who came in only seconds behind me with a flat tire :( My time was 50:18 and Gary beat us all with a time of 47:02. My mom and Lydia were our #1 supporters, cheering us on from the sidelines. Christy finished the race as well. I hope I'm half so ambitious at her age!!! Dave treated us all to lunch afterward in Park City. It made for a great Saturday!

Oh wait, that was just the beginning...

I ran to a work appointment quickly after we got home and then it was time to prepare for Lydia's Luau! We celebrated Lydia's #2 with a fun-filled Hawaiian style party that included Hawaiian Haystacks, Limbo contests, Hula contests, Luau music, cake and ice cream, and swimming! I insisted that Jen be our photographer because I realized I had gone to a lot of work for something Lydia is unlikely to remember!

One day I will scale back the birthday day.

Disclaimer: These events (all in one day) would not have been possible without help from some good friends and family. Thanks to everyone for all the help!

Special Thanks to:

Amy-for doing Lydia's hair and changing her outfit mid-party!
Jen-for great photography
MOM-for helping me clean and shop late Friday night and for picking up the "Costco Cake"
Gary-for preparing my bike and swim gear for race day and for shopping around all week to find me a good pair of running shoes :)

Lydia is a lcuky little girl to have such a big family and so many good friends who love her so much!


Annie said...

All I can say is: wow. That is a serious Saturday. Congrats on the tri. That's such an accomplishment. Wish I knew how to swim or ride a bike so I could join you in the next one.

And, Lydia's birthday party looks/sounds like so much fun. You're a busy, busy bee.

Love all the pictures.


Sarah and Trent said...

Way to go Annie! You look dang hot. :) And what a cute little birthday party!! CAN'T believe she's two.
Happy Birthday to you too soon!!

Diana said...

CJ looked at your pics & can't believe Gary was involved in this super saturday. I say, way to go to the both of you.