Friday, November 7, 2008

eLeCtIoN dAy...

I really wanted to post this Wednesday morning when I was feeling all patriotic and hopeful! But, I guess now is better than never. This is for Lydia since my blog is in essence an online journal of her life, I want her to know about this historical night...

Gary and I were both feeling a little bit under the weather, as was Lydi bugs. I was going to vote before going into work, but, of course, I was running late for a meeting and thought to myself "maybe I'll get to it later tonight." Gary was not planning on voting because he hadn't registered with our new address. As we sat and ate dinner and watched results come in from the east coast we decided to pack Lydi in tha car, brave the cold, and head up the street to our precinct to cast our votes. We voted differently that night, but I think by the end of the night we both felt somewhat victorious. Finally, the nasty campaign ads had ceased and our country was once again united by a history making event. I was moved to tears as I listened to President-elect Obama give his acceptance speech...

"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election at this defining moment, change has come to America," he said.

The election is historic. When Mr. Obama takes office in January, he will become first the African-American president in the nation's 232-year history. His election ends eight years of Republican control of the White House under President George W. Bush.

As the vote count progressed, the Democrat far outpaced his rival in the state-by-state tally of electoral votes. The winning candidate needs 270 electoral votes. Senator McCain fell far short, as Mr. Obama won such contested states as Ohio and Pennsylvania, which many saw as crucial for a McCain victory.

In his victory speech in Chicago, Mr. Obama spoke of the challenges facing the nation, which include the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, what he called a planet in peril and the worst financial crisis in a century.

"There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build and threats to meet, alliances to repair. The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep," said Mr. Obama. "We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there."


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I don't think I have ever felt more patriotic! This election was history in the making and young people are more involved than ever. I'm really proud of America right now.

Lizzy said...

hey! i am so glad you found me! i am sad i missed last dinner club..can't wait for the next one. your family is darling!

Diana & CJ said...

Word. I honestly liked things about both McCain & Obama. I didn't get to hear his acceptance speech & now I wish I had.

Roni said...

I am also looking forward to change. Our country has the capacity to return itself to a state of honesty, trust and opportunity. Feeling pride for the counry I love so much and wanting to share it with my children is an amazing thing. God Bless America!!