Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lydia's Christmas Wish???

Well, while 99% of Utahns are either at the Utah v. BYU game or home watching it, I am at work wishing just one person might choose to shop for a town home today rather than see the most anticipated game of the year! Anyway, while I'm here at work, Gary and Lydi are taking there bi-weekly field trip to Cabella's! Gary just sent me this picture of Lydi bugs on the ATV he wants to buy her. It's obviously too soon, but he is counting down the days to when he can buy this for her! He said she loved it too and he had to peel her off of it!


johnsonfamily said...

OOOHHH! I love her!!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Cute!! I love it. You guys should totally get the ATV for her. My brother got one for his kids and they love it.