Monday, February 9, 2009

One's friends are that part of the human race with which one can be human. ~George Santayana

Well I think it's about time for an update before I lose all my readers. I have been reflecting, the last couple days, on how grateful I am for the good friends, old and new, in my life. I have been so blessed with wonderful, amazing women in my life. I had a great lunch with friends on Friday then saw the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" with another group of friends on Saturday. I'm planning on attending a baby shower with yet another group of friends this Saturday and can't wait. I am so grateful that I have been able to make and maintain friendships from every stage of my life. The women in my life are such wonderful examples to me of what I think a righteous woman should be. They are BEAUTIFUL, DYNAMIC, KIND, GENEROUS, CARING, FUNNY and everything else that is good. So thank you to my friends for lifting me, loving me, making me laugh, showing me the way by your kind and tender examples, and for just being there! I LOVE YOU ALL!


Diana said...

Why thanks Annie, you're so easy to be friends with. You super cool & nice. You've always been on my top three list.

We are going to Yogo Tuesday & Thursday@ 8pm, if you can make it.

Dede said...

I think I can speak for all your friends...WE are lucky to have you as our friends! You are amazing Annie!!!

Annie said...

I loved this post and want to copy and paste it into my blog. I left your house on Friday feeling the same way. Great friends are such a blessing. I feel genuinely honored to be numbered among your friends and will forever think you're one of the coolest, most down-to-earth, beautiful (inside and out) women alive.