Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our Little Garden

"Gardening will bring us satisfaction and remind us all of the law of the harvest, which is relentless in life. We do reap what we sew." -President Ezra Taft Benson

Although I'm no "green thumb" and I admit to enjoying an over-processed Hostess Twinkie once in a while, I do love my garden and I especially Love the fresh veggies we get to enjoy on its behalf! Gary has been more consistent with this than I have, thanks to him, this garden has definitely been our most successful yet!

We hope to expand our garden as the years go by and use it as a means to teach our kids to work and reap the rewards...for now, however, Lydi "no like mayos (tomatoes)" but she does have fun checking up on the garden with us and she works hard a keeping the dogs out.


Annie said...

Wow! Impressive. I've got to figure out that gardening thing one of these days.

p.s. Loved seeing you guys last week. We really need to do it more often.

Sarah and Trent said...

Soooo cool Annie, I'm totally going for it when we get a house!!
That's quite the cucumber. (or zucchini?)