Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lagoon, It's What Fun Is ?

Despite the HUGE crowds, we had a fun time at Lagoon yesterday with Grandma and the Johnsons. Thanks to Ben and Wells Fargo for the tickets. Word of advice for future Lagoon goers: Try to avoid going on the LAST Friday of summer! Nothin' like waiting in line for an hour with four kids so they can ride a 60 second ride! I think we'll continue our Lagoon tradition with a mid-week, mid-summer visit next year! Lydi was such a trooper. She was SOOO tired, but couldn't resist staying awake for all the lights and noise. She finally fell asleep sitting up in her stroller only to wake up an hour later with a big smile on her face...I figured it was an opportune time to ride the mary-go-round. Once again, we missed GARY!!!


Diana & CJ said...

What a big cute smile...the both of you have. So fun.

Becca said...

OOOH I love Lagoon, it really is "what fun is". Johnny and I have been talking about ditching Olivia and heading there for a day of fun...alone. Doesn't that sound splendid? Okay so I'm just letting you know that we are STOKED about the b-day party and Olivia is getting her swim toys ready! :) so excited!

Deidre said...

We love Lagoon as well, at least Gray and I. So I am finally a blogger, come check us out-jdjenkins. Lydi is sweet. We really do miss you guys!