Today was a big day for little Lydia. She had her six month well-check with Dr. Hull- who was so kind to spend a whole hour with us answering all of our questions. Over all Lydia seems to be really healthy and right on track developmentally. She did really well with those darn shots, but she was a little out of sorts this afternoon. The best part of the whole thing was after she and I had gone grocery shopping she decided it was time to take a nap and she WOULD NOT let me put her down. I tried several times then gave in to letting her sleep on my tummy as I laid in bed with her for an hour and a half. This is the first time she's been this clingy. I have to admit, I loved every second of it!
Other points of interest:
Solid Foods: Dr. Hull recommended starting her on some veggies such as carrots and sweet potatoes.
Fluoride: Now that she has two teeth, her Dr. ordered her some fluoride drops.
Lazy Eye: Thanks to my sis, who is a very in-tune mother (and aunt), we asked Dr. Hull about the lazy eye that Amy had mentioned and Dr. Hull said that Lydia does indeed have a slight lazy eye. We will have to take her to a pediatric optomoligist to sort this out. She may end up with some baby spectacles!
Constipation: Still trying to work this out. Dr. Hull recommended water and M of M, as not to turn her into a juice baby. We tried water in a starter sippy cup today and she ended up hitting herself in the head with it twice and was really mad about that!
Sleeping: Lydia's typical sleep pattern is 7pm to 3 or 4am and then until about 6:30 or 7am. Dr. Hull recommended we ween her off of the early morning feeding and that it would take letting her cry it out. We are hesitant to try this because we don't think we could stand to let her cry for mor than a couple minutes. Any advice on this one would be much-appreciated.
And lastly, the stats:
Weight: 17 lb. 3 oz. / 80%
Height: 26 1/2 in. / 80%
Head: 18" / off the charts (like mother - like daughter)
We are so grateful every day for our healthy little girl! We can't get over the huge blessing she is in our lives.