Alright six things about me...I'll try to make this interesting, but let's be honest...
1. "She's gone country." I grew up in "the big city", but I always had a desire to live in a smaller town. I love open spaces and I get a little overwhelmed by big crowds and too many people. I currently live in Heber and out my back window is an alfalfa field full of grazing horses (not mine, I just get to look at them)! Having said that, I get cabin fever if I don't make it back to the city at least once a week--I admit it, I need my mall.
2. I love my baby! I was never too excited about becoming a mom until I decided it might be time, and now, having been a mom for two months, I have to say I LOVE IT! It is definitely the hardest thing I've done, but so rewarding and so much fun.
3. I'm a sleeper. I sleep in. I had the hardest time getting to high school in the morning--I even got to aide for one of my teachers who let me come in late. I planned my college schedule each semester so I never had to be to class before 9am and I got a job at a bank so I never had to be to work before 9am. I chose a career that allowed me to set my own hours and start my work day about 9-9:30. But now that I'm a mom, those days are over and I am having to get to bed earlier and wake up early (and often). Oh Well, it's for the better!
4. I married the right person. I am a bit hard headed and bossy--and maybe a bit of a control freak! My husband definitely doesn't let me push him around, but he manages to put up with me. He let's me be in control of things like finances, etc. It's the red in me--I like to be in charge!
5. I love to eat. I like food-- any kind really. I try to make healthy food choices and cook healthy meals, but I am usually thinking of lunch during breakfast and dinner during lunch. I can't imagine what it would be like to not really love food, but I know a few people who don't and they are about oh, 30-50 lbs. lighter than me.
6. I hate pain. I always wondered how my threshold for pain compared to other people, then I had a baby! I realized I am probably one of the wimpiest women on the planet (I say women 'cause I think we are generally tougher than men!). My husband has been telling me this all along, and I didn't believe him, but I think he's right. I really don't do well with pain and I hate to be sick. I get in a really bad mood and I just shut down with even the slightest cold. I've gotta work on toughening up!
Now I'm supposed to tag six people. I think most of my few blogging friends have been tagged so I'll choose Amy Johnson, Jesi Taylor and Kristy Soffe and the rest of you are off the hook!